The Brunswick County WWI Roll Call: Mission Complete

On Veterans Day in 2018, the Brunswick County World War I Monument was dedicated at the site of the 1918 Fort Caswell Rifle Range, a nationally designated World War I Centennial Memorial. The Roll Call began that day to honor the 718 men and one nurse from Brunswick County who served in World War I.

Five years have passed since the Roll Call began, the completion delayed by the pandemic.

On April 4, 2023, the mission of honoring all WWI veterans from Brunswick County was completed with the calling of the final group of names.

View the Brunswick County WWI Veteran Roll of Honor to discover the date each veteran was honored during a ceremony at the Fort Caswell Rifle Range.

To view more details about the veterans, view the complete Brunswick County WWI Veteran list.

Stay tuned for more information about the completed mission.

Photo above: Veteran Fred “Stan” Stanley reading the Roll Call on Veterans Day 2019. His grandfather, WWI Veteran Robert Bollie Stanley, was the only WWI POW from Brunswick County. His family was honored during the 2019 ceremony.

Photo courtesy of Phyllis Wilson.

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