Category Archives: Veteran Profile

WWI Profile: Walter Stephen Brock 1895-1918

To view this or an earlier profile at any time, click on the veteran’s name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran list, which is also accessible by the blue button on the top right of the webpage.

Source: Soldiers of the Great War, Vol. II
Walter Stephen Brock
Wrightsville, New Hanover County, NC
Regular Army
Private, First Class
July 16, 1914 – November 10, 1918
May 22, 1918 – November 10, 1918
KIA: November 10, 1918

Walter Stephen Brock was born and raised in New Hanover County, NC.

In 1914, when he was 18 years old, he enlisted in the Regular Army at Fort Caswell.

Source: North Carolina Collection: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

According to Walter Brock’s NC WWI Service Card:

    • He enlisted in the Regular Army at Fort Caswell, Brunswick County, NC, on July 16, 1914.
    • He served in the 31st Company Coastal Artillery Corps (CAC) until November 2, 1917.
    • He was then assigned to Company A, 7th Engineers (5th Division) until March 25, 1918,
    • then Company F, 116th Engineers (41st Division) until June 21, 1918,
    • and finally Company B, 2nd Engineers (2nd Division) until his death, KIA, on November 10, 1918.

This information conflicts with information from other sources as shown below. The initial formation of the 2nd Engineers left for France in September 1917 and spent most of their time constructing everything necessary to support a 2,000,000+ strong military force. It appears likely that engineers arriving from the US would be moved into any engineering regiment requiring more personnel.

Other documents from the period show this sequence of events for Private Brock.

Private Brock boarded Leviathan on May 22, 1918. The passenger list shows him in Company A, 7th Engineers (5th Division). [Source: Ancestry]

The Unit History for the 2nd Engineers (2nd Division – source listed at bottom) shows Pvt Brock in the roster. It lists him as having participated in every battle from Chateau Thierry (May 31, 1918) to the Argonne, which ended the war. The “K” before “Argonne” indicates he died during the battle in the Argonne. The “Rhine” is missing in the list because he died before he could join The Army of Occupation.

Yet the newspaper articles shown below state his family received news that he was previously wounded in June, followed by a letter from him in October that stated he was expecting to get back into action soon. There is no record of him being wounded. It was never reported on casualty lists published in newspapers. There is no record of him dying of wounds. The roster above shows him KIA, the newspaper reports in March show him as KIA, as well as the book Soldiers of the Great War, the source of his photo above.

It is typical to find mistakes in historical records. The experience of finding errors was shared in a previous post. In the case of the 2nd Division, their record of hard fighting throughout the war makes it even easier to imagine errors in record keeping.

The 2nd Division lost more men, gained more ground, captured more guns and prisoners, and won more medals than any other American Division. The 2nd Engineers fought every battle with the 2nd Division and fought an additional one without them while the infantry was recuperating. Because of the intensity of the battles of the 2nd Division, the engineers joined the infantry during most of them. It was the 2nd Engineers who inspired the quote seen in a previous post about engineers:

Boy, they dig trenches and mend roads all night, and they fight all day!'”

– Lt. Col. John Thomason, referring to engineers

Whether Pvt Brock died of wounds or was KIA, the result was the same: he gave his life for his country.

His death was not reported to his parents. For five months, they were unaware. Then on March 6, 1919, his name appeared on the casualty lists published in newspapers across the country. He was reported to have been KIA.

About a week later, on March 14, 1919, The Wilmington Morning Star published this on page 5.

Was Son of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Brock, of Seagate – Wounded Last June

Official notification of the death of their son, Private Walter S. Brock, has just been received by Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Brock, of Seagate, in the form of a statement from France, that he died November 10, and offering condolences to the bereaved parents and relatives.

Mr. Brock, who was in the city yesterday, said he did not understand the cause of his son’s death, as he had no information prior to the receipt of the notice, except that his son’s name appeared in the list of dead in The Star several days ago. He stated he had wired the department at Washington for further information and for verification of the report immediately upon reading of it in the paper, but had had no reply other than that it was being investigated. The announcement from France came in yesterday.

As no information was given as to the cause of death, the parents don’t know whether he died of disease or in battle. They know he was wounded in action last June, but do not know the date, nor the battle, and were never notified as to the extent of his wounds. Since then they have had one letter from him, dated October 19, which indicated that he was well and expecting to get back into action soon.

Private Brock was 23 years old and was a member of Company B, Second engineers, regular army. He enlisted in 1912 at Fort Caswell and had done eight months’ service in Mexico. He went to France early in 1918. He is survived, beside his parents, by two brothers, William and Russell, both residing at Seagate; three sisters, Mrs. Lucian D. Bishop, 215 South Thirteenth street; Mrs. Strange Pridgen, Seagate, and Mrs. Alfred Flowers, of the city.

The remains were interred at Cummune de Beaumont, France.

Private Brock’s remains were returned on USAT Somme on March 14, 1921.

On April 9, 1921, The Wilmington Morning Star published this on page 3.

Remains Private Walter Brock to Be Interred Today

Remains of Private Walter S. Brock, of Wrightsville sound, who died in France during the world war, will arrive in the city this morning at 10 o’clock and will be immediately taken to Wrightsville sound cemetery for interment. A large number of legionmen of the Wilmington post will attend the last rites.

Relatives of the dead soldier have just been notified that the remains were in New York. They were shipped there Friday. Although the funeral is not to be military it will be largely attended by friends, relatives and members of the local post of the American Legion. The funeral service will be held as soon as the remains can be conveyed from the union station to the sound.

Adjutant H.A. Church, of the local post, announced last night that legionmen of the city who attend the funeral will meet at Front and Princess streets shortly before 10 o’clock and board a suburban car for Wrightsville. Commander J.R. Hollis is very anxious to have a large number of legionmen attend the funeral.

Private Brock was a native of the Wrightsville sound section. During the world war he went to France as a member of Company B, second engineers. After several months of service he was injured and as a result died in an army hospital. He was well known in Wilmington.

On April 10, 1921, The Wilmington Morning Star published this on page 11.


Funeral services of Private Walter S. Brock, who died in France during the world war, will be held this morning at Sea Gate and the interment will be made in Wrightsville Sound cemetery. The remains of the soldier arrived in Wilmington yesterday morning in a metal casket, having just arrived from the battlefields of Europe a few days ago.

There will be a large number of legionmen of the Wilmington post to attend the funeral services. They will leave the city on the 10 o’clock suburban car for Sea Gate. From there they will accompany the remains to the Wrightsville burying grounds.

Commander E.S. Addison, of the coast guard Seminole, will send a firing squad of sailors to fire the regulation salute over the grave and a bugler to sound taps.

Private Brock went to France as a member of company B, second United States engineers. He died of injuries in an army hospital.

On April 11, 1921, The Wilmington Morning Star published this on page 10.


Last rites over the remains of Private Walter S. Brock, who died in France during the war, were held at 11 o’clock Sunday morning at Sea Gate Baptist church. The interment was made in Giles’ cemetery, Wrightsville sound.

There were twenty-odd members of the local post of the American legion present at the funeral to do honor to this American boy who gave up his life that democracy might be preserved. The active pallbearers consisted entirely of Wilmington legionmen.

Upon the completion of the graveside service a squad of sailors in charge of Petty Officer Ginburg, of the coast guard cutter Seminole, fired the regulation salute. Taps was then sounded by a bugler.

The pallbearers were: Honorary Charlie Summerlin, A.M. Williamson, G.C. Baltzegar, Z.A. Sneeden, J.W. Walton and R.W. Butler; active, Legionmen S. Freeman Yopp, J.J. Neur, J.J. Quinlivan, J.W. McIntire, John C. Moylan, A.E. Wingle and A.E. Werkheiser.

At the church services the building was filled to capacity. The floral offerings were beautiful and many, attesting to the esteem in which the young man held.

Source: findagrace
Private Walter Stephen Brock was laid to rest in Mount Lebanon Chapel Cemetery in Airlie, New Hanover County, NC.

The writing under his date of birth and death is unclear. If they can be identified in the future, this post will be updated.

The Regimental HQ, 2nd Engineers (1920) The official history of the Second Regiment of Engineers and Second Engineer Train, United States Army, in the world war. San Antonio: San Antonio printing co.

If you would like to help us honor Walter Stephen Brock or another Brunswick County WWI veteran, please use the following links:

Click here for the announcement: Announcement: Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran
Click here for directions to donate and honor a veteran: How to Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran

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WWI Profile: Jimmie Griffin 1899-1918

To view this or an earlier profile at any time, click on the veteran’s name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran list, which is also accessible by the blue button on the top right of the webpage.

Source: findagrave
Jimmie Griffin
Lillington, Harnett County, NC
Regular Army
January 5, 1918 – September 11, 1918
May 29, 1918 – September 11, 1918
Shot by Sentry: September 11, 1918

Jimmie Griffin was born in Dunn, Harnett County, NC, in May 1899, according to the 1900 Census, and the youngest of seven living children.

The 1910 Census shows him in Harnett County. The family worked on the family farm. Jimmie (Young J) was 10 years old.

Jimmie had four known brothers; two served in WWI.

Pvt Rufus A Griffin enlisted in 1916, served in the 120th Infantry, and was severely injured on October 20, 1918, in the days after he helped break the Hindenburg Line. This was the same operation that injured Brunswick County veterans 1st Sgt Van Grissett Mintz of the 119th Infantry and Pvt Jesse James Leonard from the 120th Infantry.

Pvt Charlie D Griffin (WWI Draft Registration) was called to duty in May 1918, and served overseas in the 168th Infantry with the 42nd “Rainbow” Division.

William Edgar Griffin (WWI Draft Registration)  and Oscar E Griffin (WWI Draft Registration) were never called to duty.

On January 3, 1918, when Jimmie was 18 1/2 years old, he enlisted in the Regular Army at Fort Caswell, Brunswick County, NC.

Source: North Carolina Collection: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

He served in 1st Company Coastal Artillery Corps (CAC) until February 15, 1918, when his unit became Battery B, 2nd Trench Mortar Battalion (2nd Division). (Because The Fort Caswell Rifle Range was not completed until May 20, 1918, Private Griffin never used it for training.)

The Coast Artillery provided units for heavy artillery, railway artillery, and anti-aircraft artillery.  [Poster, 1917. Source: Library of Congress]

Jimmie boarded Cardiganshire on May 29, 1918, with the rest of the soldiers from the roster shown below, except Pvt Cecil Smith Pierce, who had already passed away, and Cook Frank R. Proffitt, who did not join them until November 1918.

2nd Division, 2nd Trench Mortar Battery

Name Btry
PVT Walter C Bennett C
PVT Paul W Cable C
PVT Jimmie Griffin B KIA 09/11/1918
PVT Charles S Haithcock C
PFC Eugene B Howard B
CPL George P McKeithan B
PVT Cecil Smith Pierce B DD 03/05/1918
Cook Frank R Proffitt D
SGT Charles F Rich C
CPL Archie F Thompson B
PFC Daniel R Walker C


The 2nd Division lost more men, gained more ground, captured more guns and prisoners, and won more medals than any other American Division. The division was commanded by US Marine Corps generals twice during WWI, the only time in US military history when Marine Corps officers commanded an Army division. (The history of the division is not available online. It was not published until 2007: see source below.)

The 2nd Division Summary of Operations:
June 1-5: Aisne Defensive
June 6-July 16: Chateau-Thierry Sector
July 18-20: Aisne-Marne Offensive
August 6-17: Marbache Sector
September 9-11: Limey Sector
September 12-16: St. Mihiel Offensive
September 29-October 14: Meuse-Argonne (Champagne) Offensive
October 24-November 11: Meuse-Argonne Offensive
November 12-August 1919: Army of Occupation

While the 2nd Division was in the Limey Sector (Lorraine), preparing for the St. Mihiel Offensive, Pvt Jimmie Griffin was shot by sentry. The Division had just completed the move to the sector the day before, September 10, 1918.

The front line of this sector on the south face of the St-Mihiel salient extends from 1/2 km southeast of Remenauville to 1 km north of Limey; 5th Div on right, 89th Div (IV Corps) on left. Sept 12, the Limey sector occupation merges into the St-Mihiel Operation.

These terrain photographs and maps show the area where Pvt Griffin was shot by sentry. Additional photographs may be found in The American Battle Monuments Commission source below.

The view behind their location:

The view to the east:

The view to the north. The Division would be marching toward Bois du Four.

Private Jimmie Griffin was laid to rest in the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial in France. He was 19 years old.

The Regimental HQ, 2nd Engineers (1920) The official history of the Second Regiment of Engineers and Second Engineer Train, United States Army, in the world war. San Antonio: San Antonio printing co.

Center of Military History of the United States Army (1931) Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War, American Expeditionary Forces: Divisions, Volume 2. Washington DC: US Government Printing Office.

The American Battle Monuments Commission (2016) 2nd Division, Limey Sector, September 9-11, 1918, St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918. Washington, D.C. : American Battle Monuments Commission.

Additional Sources:
Clark, George B. (2007). The Second Infantry Division in World War I: a history of the American Expeditionary Force regulars, 1917-1919, Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

If you would like to help us honor Jimmie Griffin or another Brunswick County WWI veteran, please use the following links:

Click here for the announcement: Announcement: Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran
Click here for directions to donate and honor a veteran: How to Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran

Click the category: Veteran Profile here or at the bottom of any veteran profile post to see all of the veteran profiles published. Follow or subscribe to the blog to stay updated on all new profiles.

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WWI Profile: Cecil Smith Pierce 1896-1918

To view this or an earlier profile at any time, click on the veteran’s name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran list, which is also accessible by the blue button on the top right of the webpage.

Source: findagrave
Cecil Smith Pierce
Hallsboro, Columbus County, NC
Regular Army
January 23, 1918 – March 5, 1918
Died of Disease: March 5, 1918

Cecil Smith Pierce was born in Hallsboro, Columbus County, NC. His parents, Jonathan Smith Pierce and Jeanette Council Pierce died several months after his birth, in 1897, cause unknown.

The 1900 Census shows he and his brother Lonnie Middleton Pierce, living with their grandparents in Columbus County. His grandfather died that year.

The 1910 Census shows Cecil and his grandmother living with an uncle, Albert Sidney Pierce and his family. His brother Lonnie lived next door with another uncle, Alvah Willis Pierce. Both worked on the family farms.

Cecil was not yet 21 in 1917 when men were required to register for the WWI draft. His brother Lonnie’s draft registration shows he was single and working as a clerk at Pierce & Co, a general store in Hallsboro. Lonnie was eventually called to service on July 6, 1918, and served at Camp Greenleaf, GA, in the medical department until January 1920.

On January 23, 1918, when Cecil was 21 years old, he enlisted at Fort Caswell, Brunswick County, NC. He served in 5th Company Coastal Artillery Corps (CAC) until February 12, 1918, when his unit became Battery B, 2nd Trench Mortar Battalion (2nd Division). (The Fort Caswell Rifle Range was not completed until May 20, 1918, which means Private Pierce never used it for training.)

Source: North Carolina Collection: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Private Pierce trained less than two months at Fort Caswell before his death of pulmonary tuberculosis on March 5, 1918. His death certificate indicates his tuberculosis was active and affected both lungs. The attending physician stated that he attended Private Pierce from February 10 to his death on March 5.

A previous post gave details on the Army’s approach to tuberculosis. It was not an automatic disqualification for service because of the lack of knowledge of the disease.

The following was published on the front page of The Wilmington Morning Star on March 8, 1918.

Death Claims Cecil S. Pierce, Soldier From Hallsboro.

The remains of Cecil S. Pierce of Hallsboro, who died at Fort Caswell, were brought to the city yesterday under military escort and this morning were taken to his home at Hallsboro where the funeral will be held today.

Private Cecil Smith Pierce was laid to rest in Elbow-Pierce Cemetery in Hallsboro, Columbus County, NC.

If you would like to help us honor Cecil Smith Pierce or another Brunswick County WWI veteran, please use the following links:

Click here for the announcement: Announcement: Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran
Click here for directions to donate and honor a veteran: How to Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran

Click the category: Veteran Profile here or at the bottom of any veteran profile post to see all of the veteran profiles published. Follow or subscribe to the blog to stay updated on all new profiles.

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WWI Profile: Robert Guy Farmer 1886-1918

To view this or an earlier profile at any time, click on the veteran’s name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran list, which is also accessible by the blue button on the top right of the webpage.

Photo contributed by Ruth Ann Beck
Robert Guy Farmer
Southport, Brunswick County, NC
Regular Army

July 13, 1914 – October 9, 1918
Died of Disease: October 9, 1918

Robert Guy Farmer was born and raised in King William County, VA.

His US Army Record of Enlistment shows he enlisted on August 7, 1907. He reported that he was nearly 22 years old. He served in the Coastal Artillery Corps (CAC) at Fort Perry, NY, for three years. He was honorably discharged as a private on August 11, 1910, at Fort Perry, NY. The 1910 Census also shows that he was a private in the US Army at Fort Perry, NY.

At age 24, he reenlisted on October 18, 1910, at Fort Slocum, NY.

He served in the CAC at Fort Caswell for three years.

October 18, 1913: Private Farmer was honorably discharged at Fort Caswell.

June 28, 1914: Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.

Susie Carson, daughter of Brunswick County WWI veteran Craven Ledrew Sellers, wrote that those living in Southport felt that the US would be drawn into the conflict. [Source: The Pelican Post, Winter 2000. Oak Island, NC: Oak Island Press]

Could this have affected Robert Farmer’s decision to reenlist yet again?

July 13, 1914: Robert Farmer reenlisted at Fort Caswell. [Source: Robert Farmer’s NC WWI Service Card] His residence is listed as Southport, NC.

August 2, 1914: Germany declared war on Russia.

“A few days later, [Southport’s] fear reached fever pitch when a German ship loaded with coffee came into the Southport harbor to avoid capture at sea. Another German ship was already anchored in the harbor, as were two British ships awaiting orders. All remained quiet on the Southport waterfront and all four ships departed without incident.” ~ Susie Carson

August 23, 1914: Robert Farmer married Katie Piver in the house at 717 N. 5th St, Wilmington, NC. [Source: Ancestry] That house no longer exists, but was replaced in 1920. Three soldiers from Fort Caswell served as witnesses.

When the US entered WWI on April 1917, Robert and Katie Farmer were the parents of three children. [Source: findagrave listings]

“Happenings at Caswell were of keen interest to Southport citizens, especially when the big guns were to be fired. Notices of the firings were always given and when they came the townspeople removed pictures and mirrors from their walls and dishes from shelves because when the guns went off the houses shook violently and mirrors, dishes, and pictures crashed to the floor. The noise from the guns was deafening.” ~ Susie Carson

October 18, 1917: Robert Farmer was promoted to Sergeant.

Sgt Robert Farmer served with the 1st Company, CAC Cape Fear throughout the war, remaining at Fort Caswell. It seems highly likely that he spent some of his time training soldiers at the Fort Caswell Rifle Range.

Coastal Artillery Corps

Source: North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

“Until World War I, coast artillery meant seacoast artillery; the World War brought additional functions, especially antiaircraft artillery.”

Seacoast artillery was used in defense of the coastline. If a war resulted in no threat to the coast, seacoast artillery would be unused and seacoast artillery forces would be anxious to join in land combat. This issue presented some difficulty throughout the history of coastal defense.

As technology improved, Coastal Artillery Companies, which were assigned to forts, split artillery into heavy and light. Coast Artillery Corps were created and were separate from field artillery. Coastal responsibilities included planting submarine mines.

Reorganization and renumbering of the CAC units made the historical tracking of assignments confusing. The build-up for World War I added more confusion when reading historical records for soldiers in CAC units. The unit number could mean before the renumbering took place or after.

When entering World War I, land combat units did not have heavy artillery or training. The CAC was tapped to provide both the heavy artillery and men trained to use it. While the heavy coastal artillery didn’t arrive in France in time for use in the war, the men were quickly trained in heavy land artillery and techniques and served in France.

As airplanes became more advanced and crucial to the war, the US Army turned once more to the men of the CAC for Anti-aircraft forces, due to their unique training firing at moving targets.

“At the end of WWI, the CAC, with an enlisted strength of 147,000, was much more varied than it had been two years before, with heavy artillery batteries, regiments, and brigades with or destined for the field armies; and anti-aircraft and trench mortar units for specialized roles. In the U.S. and its possessions, gun, mortar, mine, and searchlight companies remained organized into coast defenses, for harbor defense.”
[Source: Smith, Bolling W. & William C. Gaines, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide Compendium: Coastal Artillery Organization, A Brief Overview]

It’s clear that the CAC played a major role in providing the country with defensive capabilities in WWI.

But the rapid advances in technology and new roles by the CAC, as well as reorganization and renumbering, makes it difficult to follow the soldier’s NC WWI Service Card information. It seems the best way to determine what role the veteran had is by checking for overseas service. For example, Sgt Farmer served from at least 1914 until his death at Fort Caswell, which implies a seacoast defensive role, or perhaps training men in heavy artillery before they were sent to France.

Brunswick County provided many men for the CAC. The information from their NC WWI Service Cards is listed on the Brunswick County Army/Marines WWI Veterans webpage, but it must be left up to others to determine their specific roles in the war.

“An epidemic of Spanish Influenza hit the lower Cape Fear in the early fall of 1918, claiming many lives in Southport and Brunswick County as well as at the Fort. The schools and theatre were closed and all public gatherings were cancelled.” ~ Susie Carson

From October 1, 1918 until October 9, 1918, Sgt Farmer was attended at the hospital at Fort Caswell for pneumonia from influenza. It appears that a Captain A.L. Peters, MD attended him and signed his death certificate.

Sgt Robert Guy Farmer passed away October 9 and was laid to rest in Old Smithville Cemetery in Southport, NC.

On March 31, 1919, the Farmers’ youngest son, Robert Guy Farmer, Jr, one year of age, also passed away from broncho pneumonia while battling influenza. He was also laid to rest in Old Smithville Cemetery in Southport, NC.

Source: (1919, October) Health Bulletin pp.1-2

Note: 624 North Carolinians were killed in battle; 204 died of wounds; 1,542 died of disease while serving; for a total of 2,370 NC military deaths.

13,644 North Carolinians (non-military) died of influenza. [Source]

Robert Farmer’s eldest and remaining son, Arthur Latney Farmer, (Navy) was awarded a Silver Star many years later for his service in WWII when 14 enemy planes attacked his ship as he manned the machine gun. His story follows as a tribute to his father.

Source: The State Port Pilot 27 Jan. 1943, p.1

Arthur Farmer Receives Silver Star For Bravery
Southport Boy Was Member of Navy Gun Crew That Distinguished Itself In Fighting Off Enemy Action At Sea

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as he stood by his gun, fighting off persistent attacks by 14 enemy planes on his merchant ship, Coxswain Arthur L. Farmer was awarded the Silver Star, while an officer and a gunner were presented citations in an impressive decoration ceremony last Friday afternoon on the Naval Station parade ground at New Orleans.

Arthur L. Farmer, now Boatswain’s Mate Second Class, was a long way from his home at Southport, and very tired, for the crew aboard his ship had been at battle stations since the previous morning, with time out only for hurried trips to the galley. At the moment every man of the Armed Guard unit was tense, alert, because word had been flashed that a flight of 40 German torpedo planes was winging to the attack.

Farmer, weary but unafraid (it wasn’t later that his knees “knocked together”) was manning a machine gun located after when the first wave of low-flying Heinkel 177’s swept over the ship. The battle was joined, guns flashing amidst the roar and clatter.

Two of the Nazi planes launched the torpedoes at Farmer’s ship, then swerved to the rear. The “tin fish” missed, but the Coxswain didn’t. He and other gunners poured a steady stream of lead into the two Keinkels and both burst into flames and crashed into the sea about 500 yards beyond the ship.

It was estimated that, in all, 14 German planes took part in the attack surging around Farmer’s ship for about 15 minutes, but the withering hail of fire from the vessel beat off the Heinkels, and the freighter continued on her course – victorious.

The gunners were on constant alert throughout that night and the following day. But the next afternoon two torpedoes which were fired by a U-Boat between the freighter and the blinding sun, smashed into the ship, but she maintained full speed ahead. Then, 10 minutes later, a third torpedo crashed into the engine room, and the ship broke in half.

Farmer jumped into the sea and was picked up by a lifeboat which became the three-day haven of 21 men. All of the crew except one merchant seaman were rescued. On the third day the survivors were picked up by another Russia-bound vessel.

By that time nervous reaction had set in and Farmer had a full-sized case of “jitters.” He had hopes that his troubles were over.

But those hopes were short-lived. The next midnight, German planes found the rescue ship, and Heinkel 88s began a dive-bombing attack which continued with only sporadic abatement for seven long hours. For the second time, Farmer was compelled to go over the side with his companions. He was picked up immediately by a British vessel and taken to a Russian port, where he remained for seven weeks.

Farmer saw partial vengeance during the second action when a Russian submarine slammed two torpedoes into a powerful Nazi battleship, forcing it to retire. On his return voyage, Farmer also shared in a detached sort of way, in an engagement which cost the Axis a surface raider and 60 prisoners of war.

This, in brief, is the story of Arthur Latney Farmer, whose courage was recognized by President Roosevelt, in a citation awarded through Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, beginning with the words: “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity.”

If you would like to help us honor Robert Guy Farmer or another Brunswick County WWI veteran, please use the following links:

Click here for the announcement: Announcement: Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran
Click here for directions to donate and honor a veteran: How to Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran

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WWI Profile: James Coy Edwards 1885-1917

To view this or an earlier profile at any time, click on the veteran’s name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran list, which is also accessible by the blue button on the top right of the webpage.

James Coy Edwards
Exum, Brunswick County, NC
US Navy

June 4, 1918 – December 24, 1917
Died of Disease: December 24, 1917

James Coy Edwards was born and raised in Exum, Brunswick County, NC, of the Waccamaw Township. A family tree is available in FamilySearch.

The 1900 Census shows he was 15 years old, living at home and attending school. No 1910 Census record for him could be found.

The first WWI Draft registration occurred on June 5, 1917. James Coy Edwards enlisted in the US Navy the day before, on June 4, 1917, in Wilmington. He served at the Naval Hospital in Norfolk, VA.

On December 2, 1917, The Wilmington Dispatch reported that these Red Cross packages were sent to local men serving in the Navy. (N.N.V. stands for “National Naval Volunteers”)

Knitting directions for The Red Cross packages were published in magazines and books such as The Delineator, July 1917, p.37.

The creation of the modern Navy

President Woodrow Wilson signed the order creating Naval Station Norfolk on June 28, 1917. The US Navy expanded from 70,000 to a half-million officers and men during World War I.

No Navy in the world had ever created a larger force or as quickly. New training methods had to be devised in a very short time.

Source of photos: Naval Station Norfolk

Many rural recruits could barely read and knew little or nothing about radio and electricity. Most had never seen the ocean.

New recruits had to be isolated to reduce the spread of disease.

The training center opened on October 12, 1917, and by the end of the year, held 34,000.

Read the full article here:

Some interesting statistics for the Navy from the year 1917

  • Total number of applications for enlistment: 281,957
  • Applicants rejected for physical disability: 127,512
  • Top reason for physical disability: underweight (31,531) followed by eyesight (29,945) and teeth (13,884)
  • Total enlistments: 92,413
  • Total enlistment applications in Wilmington, NC: 103
    • 46 rejected for physical defects
    • 22 enlisted
  • Total men in service on June 30, 1917: 128,666 (an increase of 74,432 from June 30, 1916)
  • Total deaths in 1917: 511
  • Leading cause of death: pneumonia (200)
  • Number admitted to hospital for pneumonia: 1,696

United States of America Navy Department (1918) Annual Reports of the Navy Department: For the Fiscal Year 1917. Washington DC: Government Printing Office.

United States of America Navy Department (1918) Annual Report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Navy: For the Fiscal Year 1918. Washington DC: Government Printing Office.

On Christmas Eve, 1917, Seaman James Coy Edwards passed away from broncho pnemonia.

Source: United States of America Navy Department (1920) Officers and Enlisted Men of the United States Navy Who Lost Their Lives During the World War, from April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918. Washington DC: Government Printing Office [Online Source: U.S., Navy Casualties Books, 1776-1941 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA]

James Coy Edwards was laid to rest at New Life Baptist Church Cemetery in Ash, NC, where most of his family is buried. No military information nor honors are shown.

Seaman James Coy Edwards is the only known Brunswick County casualty from the Navy or Coast Guard.

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WWI Profile: David Williams 1894-1919

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Polk County news and the Tryon bee, 1919 Apr 25, p.3
David Williams
Bolivia, Brunswick County, NC
US Army
August 6, 1918 – March 18, 1919
September 23, 1918 – March 18, 1919
Died of Disease: March 18, 1919

David Williams was born in Clarksville, Virginia, in Mecklenburg County. The 1900 Census shows David and his siblings Jessie and Hettie living with their parents Jessie and Cylvia in Clarksville.

David’s WWI Draft Registration of 1917 shows he was still living in Clarksville, single, and doing mill work in Bolivia, NC, for South Hill Manufacturing Company, presumably based in South Hill, VA.

On April 14, 1918, David married Florence Marie Williams, daughter of Hardy and Julia Rebecca Williams of Brunswick County, NC [Marriage certificate images available in Ancestry].

David was ordered to report for military duty and was inducted on August 6, 1918, in Boydton, VA, in Mecklenburg County. His residence was Bolivia, NC, but because he registered in VA, his draft record reflects his draft registration location.

On August 29, 1918, he was assigned to Company D, 545th Engineer Service Battalion.

545th Engineer Service Battalion
The 545th Engineers were authorized on July 29, 1918, to include up to 1,008 enlisted African American men. They were mobilized at Camp A. A. Humphreys, in VA, sailed overseas September 23, 1918, then returned to the United States on June 27, 1919, demobilizing on July 5, 1919.

On September 23, 1918, Pvt Williams boarded USS Rijndam in New Jersey with the 545th Engineers, a service battalion of 4 companies.

His son, David Jesse Williams, was born on October 9, 1918 in Southport, NC, formerly Smithville. [Source of birth record: Ancestry] Pvt Williams would never see his son.

Special engineer services for the US Army encompassed many duties including water supply, electrical-mechanical, camouflage, searchlight services, bridging, map making and reproduction, sound and flash ranging, light railways, road and quarry (D.L.R. and R.), engineer research, geologic investigations, and many more.

The 545th Engineers provided the services for road and quarry, otherwise known as Division Light Railways and Roads (D.L.R. and R.). The 545th along with other engineers, such as the 23rd Engineers shown at left, and pioneer infantries formed a total of 16,346 men for D.L.R. and R. work.

Their responsibilities were extensive and varied with troop movements. For example, in October, the First Army occupied an area west of Verdun, which required new road construction such as Froides Hospital road, Varennes railhead roads, Souilly Evacuation Hospital roads, Aubreville railhead and Neuvilly Artillery Park. 107 kilometers of roads were maintained during the month of October in the area. In November, several new roads were constructed, existing roads were widened, and 438 kilometers of roads were patched and maintained, all requiring over 21,000 cubic meters of stone and gravel.

Stone and gravel were not just obtained from quarries. Demolished buildings were recycled by the engineers and pioneer infantry in their D.L.R. and R. services.

Engineer operations after the Armistice were reorganized to include many engineer regiments from the combat divisions in the Army of Occupation, such as the 81st Division. The resulting engineering troops were much larger, although no number was found. Their responsibilities now included removal of mines and traps, salvage, and the reconstruction of roads and railroads over which the troops of occupation and their supplies were to pass.

On April 19, 1919, the First Army was dissolved. However, Pvt Williams had passed away a month earlier.

On March 18, 1919, Pvt David Williams died of “pulmonary oedema, secondary to pleurisy.” It was likely due to influenza and pneumonia.

His name was published on national casualty lists. (One online clipping shown at top.)

Private David Williams’ remains were returned to the United States from Belgium on November 26, 1921. (See WWI Profile for William Cross Hewett for more information about the returning of WWI remains.) His remains were laid to rest in Greer Cemetery in Bolivia, NC.

His widow, Florence Marie Williams, became a school teacher, and raised their son David in Bolivia, NC. In 1947, she was listed as a teacher at Brunswick County Training School in Southport, the only African American high school in the county. [Source: The State Port Pilot, 1947 Sept 3, p.6] Florence passed away on December 23, 1973, and was laid to rest in Greer Cemetery, where her husband was buried nearly 55 years earlier.

Pvt William’s son enlisted in the US Army on October 31, 1942, serving overseas during WWII. He was honorably discharged as Corporal David Jesse Williams on November 1, 1945. He passed away on May 18, 1996. His wife, Vivian Bizzell Williams, passed away in 2003. Her obituary was published in The Free Press, Kinston, NC, 2003 Oct 28, p.B2. From this, we know that David Williams had descendants and the name “David Williams” was carried on through both his son and grandson.

Vivian Williams
LA GRANGE – Vivian Williams, 81, of 310N. Charles St., died Friday, Oct. 24, 2003, at Lenoir Memorial Hospital. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at Liberty Grove MB Church in La Grange with the Rev. Harold Warren officiating. Burial will be held at Pinelawn Park. Survivors include one daughter, Wanda Williams; son, David Williams, and sister, Margaret Ann Bizzell. Visitation will be held from 2 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at La Grange Mortuary.

Private David Williams served honorably overseas through World War I, becoming one of five known Brunswick County men who survived combat conditions only to die of disease in Europe after the war ended. Besides Pvt Williams, these include Pvt Elijah Milliken, Cook David L Dosher, Pfc John W Carlisle, and Pvt Claudie Hall McCall.

United States of America War Office (1919) Historical Report of the Chief Engineer: Including All Operations of the Engineer Department, American Expeditionary Forces 1917-1919. . Washington DC: Government Printing Office

United States of America War Office (1919) Report of the Chief of Engineers: US Army, Part I. . Washington DC: Government Printing Office

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WWI Profile: Manning Hall 1887-1918

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Manning Hall
Navassa, Brunswick County, NC
US Army
April 27, 1918 – July 11, 1918
Died of Disease: July 11, 1918

Manning Hall was born and raised in Brunswick County. The 1900 Census shows him living with his family in Northwest. In 1910, he was living with his sister’s family, Katherine Davis, next door to his parents and siblings. Many of them worked at the Navassa Guano Factory.

His 1917 Draft Registration show he was single, living in Leland, and working at the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company in Navassa, the company which bought the Guano Factory. The area has been declared a Superfund Site due to the level of contamination from these and similar industries.

On January 3, 1918, Manning married Lillie Myers.

Manning was ordered to report to duty on April 26, 1918 [Source: Ancestry]. He was sent to Camp Grant in Illinois for training. He was placed in the 161 Depot Brigade, one of the many training and receiving formations for new draftees.

Less than three months later, on July 11, 1918, Manning died of tuberculosis peritonitis.

One might wonder why a man with tuberculosis would be admitted into the Army. Another Brunswick County WWI veteran, Cecil Smith Pierce also died of tuberculosis while serving in WWI. His profile will be posted soon.

When the US entered the Great War and began amassing a large army, medical screening boards across the country discovered that American men were not as strong and healthy as they had assumed. 30% were found to be physically unfit, with many of them having tuberculosis.

The Army Medical Department’s investigations into tuberculosis was based on four incorrect assumptions: 1) A “little tuberculosis” was a good thing as it provided some immunity, 2) tuberculosis wasn’t very contagious, 3) military life would not increase the incidence of tuberculosis but actually help those infected because of the healthy lifestyle the men would follow, and 4) false positives were more harmful to the Army than admitting infected men.

The challenge was not to exclude so many men as to impair the nation’s ability to amass an army. If we should say that all signs of tuberculosis should lead to rejection we would have no army at all. [Source: Good Tuberculosis Men, listed below]

Source: National Archives

Manning likely spent much of his time in the hospital at Camp Grant. The camp general instructed everyone at Camp Grant to treat all soldiers alike irrespective of color. The hospital was not segregated, nor was the dining hall or exchange. No instances of racial friction were reported as having occurred between patients in the hospital.

In the spring of 1918, general instructions were received from the Surgeon General to classify the patients in hospitals in accordance with their race and to place them in separate wards. The orders were not obeyed at Camp Grant. [Source: Military Hospitals in the US, Base Hospital, Camp Grant, Illinois (]

Six patients died in July 1918 at the base hospital, the month of Pvt Hall’s death. The largest number of deaths in one month (1,024) was in October 1918, during the influenza pandemic.

A notice of his death was published in The Wilmington Morning Star, July 13, 1918, p.6.

Manning Hall’s remains were returned from Camp Grant and he was laid to rest in Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Navassa (Leland address). Some Friends of Fort Caswell Rifle Range members visited the cemetery recently to find Manning Hall’s headstone, in hopes that he was laid to rest with other members of his family. The headstone was located (pictured above) and they paid their respects. The inscription on the headstone shows:

Of Company 161 Depot Brigade
Born at Navassa, NC
Dec. 3, 1889 Died July 11, 1918
Erected by his wife Lillie Hall

His wife Lillie remarried but at age 25 died of what was likely a tuberculosis related illness. According to her death certificate [Source: Ancestry], she was laid to rest in the same cemetery. No headstone has been found.

Byerly, Carol R. (2013) “Good Tuberculosis Men”: The Army Medical Department’s Struggle with Tuberculosis. Fort Sam Huston, TX: Office of The Surgeon General Borden Institute

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WWI Profile: Craven Ledrew Sellers 1889-1960

To view this or an earlier profile at any time, click on the veteran’s name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran list, which is also accessible by the blue button on the top right of the webpage.

Photo contributed by Gwen Causey, granddaughter of Henry Lindon Clemmons
Craven Ledrew Sellers
Supply, Brunswick County, NC
US Army

May 27, 1918 – June 1, 1919
August 5, 1918 – May 29, 1919

Craven Ledrew Sellers was born and raised in Brunswick County, NC. His brother, Herbert Teller Sellers, also served in WWI.

His Draft Registration shows he was single, living in Supply, and working as a logging foreman for Waccamaw Shingle Company in Bolivia, NC.

Ledrew was ordered to report for duty on May 27, 1918 [Source: Ancestry]. He was sent to Camp Jackson, SC, for training and then to Camp Sevier in June when he was assigned to Co I, 324th Infantry, 81st “Wildcat” Division.

Previous posts describe the experiences of the 81st Division through the signing of the Armistice. They then prepared for a grueling 15 day hike with full packs. (The following excerpts taken from The history of the 321st infantry.)

The 175 kilometer hike from the front to this training area in the vicinity of Chatillon-Sur-Seine will always stand out as one of the greatest feats of our overseas experience.

It was a test of physical endurance and morale. Their handicaps included the weakened condition of the men due to exposure and hardships on the front, epidemics of dysentery and bad colds of which 75% fell victim, and the bad conditions in which the men marched and slept.

Photo contributed by Gwen Causey, granddaughter of Henry Lindon Clemmons
Location and date unknown

That Thanksgiving will be remembered mostly for what we didn’t have and didn’t do in contrast to what we had had and had done on previous Thanksgivings.

At the end of the fifteen days of hard marching, they passed in review at attention with full packs and complete equipment.

Aching backs and blistered feet made it hell for us.

Those of us who finished this hike together felt more closely bound together than ever after by those ties of comradeship that had been established on those days at the front. We also felt that we had something in common with the soldiers of past wars who had made long marches under trying conditions.

They spent 5 1/2 months in the French villages near Chatillon-Sur-Seine. There was little incentive for training. After Christmas, a more lenient schedule was set with occasional short hikes.

Most of the French peasants opened their homes and their hearts to us, and showed us a hospitality as genuine and unselfish as our own American homes could have shown the soldiers of any army. The French were keenly appreciative and profoundly thankful for the valuable services of the American soldiers. Many of them sacrificed and toiled day and night for American soldiers in grateful recognition of America’s timely aid in the World War.

But the hospitality of the French could not satisfy that longing for home and friends left behind.

We were obsessed with the sole thought of going home.

The introduction of athletics and other activities helped keep them busy and distracted from their homesickness. Football, baseball, basketball, wrestling, theater, and shooting contests were enthusiastically attended by all.

They were proud of their Division’s champions. Besides the wrestler shown here, their baseball team was the best in the Army, having never lost a game either in the States or overseas.

Their play, “O.U. Wildcats” was said to be the most popular in the AEF. It depicted the life of a Doughboy in France. The most popular song was called “The Bloody War.” Some of the verses are copied below.

The Bloody War
I was a simple country boy,
I lived out on the farm;
I never even killed a flea
Or done nobody harm.

One day the sheriff caught me,
He says, “Come with me, my son;
Your Uncle Sammy needs you,
To help him “tote” a gun.”

They tried to teach me how to drill,
I did the best I could;
But my captain told me to my face,
My head was made of wood.

They sent me out on the range,
To hear the bullets sing;
I shot and shot for one whole day,
And never hit a thing.

My captain said to “Shoot at will,”
I says, “Which one is he?”
That made my captain angry,
And he fired his gun at me.

Now when I struck that foreign shore,
I looked around with glee;
But rain and kilometers,
Were all that I could see.

I ran all over Europe,
Fighting for my life;
Before I’ll go to war again,
I’ll send my darling wife.

On March 18, 1919, Private Sellers was promoted to Mechanic.

The orders they were waiting for finally arrived: Prepare to move to the Le Mans area on May 12.

They were surprised at their feelings when preparing to leave the French villages they had grown fond of.

Some of them [French villagers], when we told them good-bye, wept as if they were bidding farewell to their sons.

At St. Nazaire, France, where they would embark to return home, they spent four days delousing, bathing, undergoing medical inspections, and fitted with new clothes. They would have more delousing and inspections when arriving in the US.

When being discharged from service, they once again underwent strong emotions.

They realized that they would probably never see each other again. Strong friendships had been formed – the one thing that had saved many a soldier from despair, and perhaps suicide.

Mechanic Ledrew Sellers didn’t return with his unit. He boarded USS Antigone at St. Nazaire a month earlier on May 17, 1919, along with other ill soldiers from St. Aignan [Source: Ancestry]. The assumption is he fell ill during the six months after the Armistice was signed, as his name does not appear on wounded lists during combat which were published at the time.

He was honorably discharged on June 1, 1919 with no reported disability.

After the war, he lived in Southport for many years, raising his family and working first as the manager of a sawmill and then a merchant. During the Depression, he was able to get a job at the Civilian Conservation Corps, supervising a forestry group.

At his death in 1960, Craven Ledrew Sellers was laid to rest in the Northwood Cemetery in Southport. A military flat marker is shown.

In 2007, his daughter, Susie Carson, along with Larry Maisel, wrote a book about her mother Lelia Jane, published by the Southport Historical Society (ISBN: 978-1-892444-15-8).

This concludes the Brunswick County WWI veterans who were wounded or killed while serving in the 81st “Wildcat” Division.

A memorial to the 81st Division was erected on the southwest corner of the North Carolina state capitol grounds in Raleigh and dedicated on October 5, 1941, by the Wildcat Veterans’ Association. The marker was dedicated as “an inspiration from the past and a warning to the future.”

In all, the “Wildcat” division suffered 1,104 casualties–248 killed or dead from wounds and 856 wounded–for the short time it was in combat.

Johnson, Clarence Walton (1919) The history of the 321st infantry, with a brief historical sketch of the 80th division, being a vivid and authentic account of the life and experiences of American soldiers in France, while they trained, worked, and fought to help win the world war. . Columbia, S.C., The R. L. Bryan co.

Thomas P. Shinn’s Wartime Diary

81st Division Summary of Operations in the World War, US Govt, 1944

If you would like to help us honor Craven Ledrew Sellers or another Brunswick County WWI veteran, please use the following links:

Click here for the announcement: Announcement: Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran
Click here for directions to donate and honor a veteran: How to Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran

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WWI Profile: Robert Eugene Robbins 1895-1960

To view this or an earlier profile at any time, click on the veteran’s name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran list, which is also accessible by the blue button on the top right of the webpage.

Photo contributed by Joyce Crabtree, granddaughter
Robert Eugene Robbins
Rich Square, Northampton County, NC
US Army

April 26, 1918 – June 24, 1919
August 5, 1918 – June 18, 1919

Robert Eugene Robbins was born in Brunswick County, NC. A partial family tree is in FamilySearch. Robert’s mother died in 1910, when he was 15, and his father died in 1914, when he was 19. Sometime between 1910 and 1917, when he registered for the draft, he moved to Rich Square, NC, for work.

His Draft Registration shows he was living in Rich Square, NC, single, supporting a sister, and working as a railroader.

Robert Robbins was ordered to report for military duty on April 20, 1918 [Source:]. He was inducted on April 26, 1918, and began training at Camp Jackson, SC. He was initially assigned to the 534th Engineers, but on June 24, 1918, he was transferred to Company G, 324th Infantry, 81st “Wildcat” Division, which was training at Camp Sevier, SC.

The 324th Infantry left the US on August 5, 1918, several days after the 321st and 322nd.

Previous posts describe the events in France including the orders to go “over the top” during the final days of the war. Pvt Robbins’ 2nd Battalion (Companies E-H) took the position on the far right the morning of November 9.

The Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. However, as mentioned in the previous post, because the 81st Division did not receive confirmation of the signing, another attack was planned the night of November 10th and executed on November 11.

At 5am, on the morning of November 11, orders were received to begin advancing at 6am. 1st Sgt Thomas Shinn described how the 321st Infantry responded to orders in his diary.

The men rubbed their eyes and tightened their belts for there was no water to wash their faces or food to fill their stomachs. The men only took it good naturally and prepared to go over the top in a few minutes. We formed our lines and got in position to advance.

The high explosive shells were falling just as tho’ it was raining them from above but we would fall flat on the ground and up again and advance a little further.

About 8:30, we struck a solid line of machine guns and they fired on us. It was a whole woods full. We fought them there for about an hour.

As the battle raged on, the men of the 321st Infantry became “lost in a fog and wading water waist deep.” They were caught in a trap and were fired on from all sides. The Captain sent orders to the soldiers in front to hold their position as they attempted to fight their way out.

We fought there for some time in the marsh up to our waist and the coldest water I ever felt.”

They were surrounded by machine guns and barbed wire, making it impossible to advance. The Germans put up a fierce barrage. The barbed wire was 3 feet high and 30 feet thick and they were unable to cut it as it was too strong. Men were killed instantly all around 1st Sgt Shinn of the 321st.

I was wet to my neck and my clothes had frozen stiff on me.

I hadn’t seen any fire or shelter for 48 hours and two days without food, water, or sleep was getting on my nerves.

We had to lay low for a half hour or more and while I lay in the shell hole one of my friends came up to me and asked me to send a man to the rear with him. He had his left arm tore off between the elbow and shoulder and he was bleeding very fast. It was the hardest thing I’d ever done to tell him that I couldn’t send a man back with him.

The Armistice was signed at 11am, but the battle was still raging 15 minutes before.

About 10:45am, the [Germans] seemed to shoot every gun they had at the same time for they kept our heads so near the ground that we got our ears full of mud.

At seven minutes to eleven, a runner came up to the Captain out of breath and handed him our orders.

Orders were given to cease fire at 11:00.

At 11am, we ceased firing and the Germans jumped up, threw their rifles down, and came running to meet us. They wanted to shake hands and talk with us but we made them go back.

The rest of the day would be spent gathering the dead and wounded. Loads of bodies were buried in a hole dug like a long ditch.

Source: NC Archives

Tuesday, Nov. 12th, 1918
We spent the day burying our dead and hunting something to eat.

In those three days fighting, there were 178 killed, nearly 800 wounded, 57 captured, and 6 missing. Of those, the 324th infantry: Killed, 2 officers and 34 men; wounded, 5 officers and 145 men; missing, 18 men. [Source: “Lest We Forget” The Record of North Carolina’s Own]

Pvt Robbins returned with his unit in June 1919. He married in August, returning to Rich Square, NC, where he raised a family and farmed the land.

Robert Eugene Robbins passed away on March 15, 1960, at age 65. He was laid to rest in Cedar Lawn Cemetery in Rich Square, NC. A military flat marker is shown.

Johnson, Clarence Walton (1919) The history of the 321st infantry, with a brief historical sketch of the 80th division, being a vivid and authentic account of the life and experiences of American soldiers in France, while they trained, worked, and fought to help win the world war. . Columbia, S.C., The R. L. Bryan co.

Thomas P. Shinn’s Wartime Diary

81st Division Summary of Operations in the World War, US Govt, 1944

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Click here for directions to donate and honor a veteran: How to Honor a Brunswick County World War I Veteran

Click the category: Veteran Profile here or at the bottom of any veteran profile post to see all of the veteran profiles published. Follow or subscribe to the blog to stay updated on all new profiles.

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WWI Profile: Henry Lindon Clemmons 1895-1960

To view this or an earlier profile at any time, click on the veteran’s name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran list, which is also accessible by the blue button on the top right of the webpage.

Photos contributed by Gwen Causey, granddaughter
Henry Lindon Clemmons
Supply, Brunswick County, NC
US Army

October 15, 1917 – June 25, 1919
July 31, 1918 – June 18, 1919

Henry Lindon Clemmons was born and raised in Supply, NC. A family tree is located in FamilySearch.

Henry’s WWI Draft Registration shows he was married with one daughter (born a month earlier in May 1917), living in Supply, and farming for himself. He was described as tall, slender, with blue eyes and red hair. His registration was signed by G. Floyd Kirby, a local businessman and friend.

Henry (center) was ordered to report for duty on October 15, 1917, along with six other Brunswick County men. Beside him (order unknown) are Luther J. Inman, Owen R. Mintz, Willie H. Hewett, Robert W. Holden, Mack Leonard, and Isaac Fred Edge.

All seven Brunswick County men were sent to Camp Jackson, SC, and officially accepted on October 26 [Source:], then assigned to Company F, 322nd Infantry, 81st “Wildcat” Division. (Robert Holden and Owen Mintz would be reassigned before leaving for Europe, while Isaac Edge was honorably discharged with a disability in Dec 1917.)

Before leaving for France, Henry was promoted to corporal (July 4, 1918).

From previous posts, the 81st Division had just gone “over the top” during the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Cpl Henry Clemmons had been promoted to Sergeant about a month earlier (October 5, 1918). 1st Sgt Thomas Shinn’s diary (entries interspersed throughout below) describes how those orders were received.

At 4am on Saturday, November 9, 1918, the captains were called and given orders. Sergeants were told to get the Companies up, have breakfast and packs rolled and ready to move to the front at 7:30am.

Sgt Clemmons was responsible for carrying out the orders for Company F, 322nd, on November 9, 1918.

“The 322 Infantry will go over the top at 8 am. 321 Infantry will follow them and relieve them at the first opportunity.”

The whole plan of action was based on the assumption that the enemy was withdrawing and would not greatly oppose the 81st Division’s advance. It was not the case in this particular sector, however.

With heavy packs, the men moved through the cold mud and rain, the packs becoming heavier with the rain.

Recall that besides Sgt Clemmons, the following Brunswick County men were serving with the 322nd and moving to the front at this time, save those who were either discharged or wounded earlier: Pvt Isaac Edge, Pvt Quince Simmons, and Bugler William Smith. Sgt Clemmons’ Company F now included two men from Brunswick County: Cpl Luther J. Inman and Pvt Mack Leonard.

81st Division, 322nd Infantry

Name Co.
Sgt Henry L Clemmons F
Pvt Isaac F Edge C SCD 12/06/1917
Pvt Ransom Ennis Sup
Bglr Willie H Hewett F Wounded 11/10/1918
Cpl Luther J Inman F
Pvt James W Leonard K
Pvt Mack Leonard F
Pvt Simon A Lewis K
Sgt David H Long K
Pfc Fred McDonald C
Pvt James Rolland Mintz HQ
Pvt Luther P Reynolds HQ
Pvt Quince A Simmons D SCD 03/06/1918
Bglr William R Smith MG Wounded 10/15/1918

The 60th Artillery Brigade of the 35th Division were shooting over their heads, causing the men to jump as they “shot such big guns right in our face.”

We didn’t think of the many of our number that were going up never to return. We laughed and joked just as tho’ we were on an ordinary hike. ~ 1st Sgt Shinn

The 322nd Infantry was on the left, the 324th Infantry on the right. The 321st and 323rd were in support on Metz-Verdun Road. Sgt Clemmons’ 2nd Battalion (Companies E-H) took the position right of the 1st Battalion (Companies A-D) on the morning of November 9.

At 4:30pm, Company F formed a line south of Moranville. The town was captured about 5pm. Companies E and F then established an outpost nearby.

With no food or water, the 321st Infantry, 1st Sgt Shinn’s unit, lay in the woods all day and night without a fire or cover. It was raining and cold enough to freeze water in the canteen. Many of the men’s feet froze until they couldn’t walk on them.

All the boys had lost that jolly yelling feeling that we had the morning before. ~1st Sgt Shinn

That morning, November 10, the 322nd Infantry continued the attack at 6:30am. They took the town of Grimaucourt at 930am and continued pushing east and west. They met strong resistance at 11am and withdrew. By 5:30pm, the 321st Infantry was ordered to relive the 322nd, Sgt Clemmons’ unit. “The roar of the battle still raged on.” 1st Sgt Thomas Shinn watched as ambulances were hurriedly bringing wounded men of the 322nd.

We passed Captain Stone [unknown Company] staggering back shell shocked. “Thank God somebody has come to help us.”

Every few minutes an ambulance would pass full of men with legs and arms shot off or a wagon loaded with 8 or 10 dead men in it.

They told us the 3rd Battalion of the 322nd [Companies I, K, L, and M] was somewhere out there but nobody knew where. They were lost and beaten and we were up against a tough proposition.

As we passed on, stragglers from the 322nd came back, some wounded and some beaten in morale.

1st Sgt Thomas Shinn led his company beside his captain, double time, through barbed wire, as shells burst all around, killing and wounding their men.

We came to a few men of B & L Companies of the 322nd Infantry and carrying parties could be seen crawling along the edge of the wood trying to get up there to carry the dead and wounded back.

We got our men in a wide front and gave them orders to dig in which we didn’t have to beg them to do for it was death to stay on top of the ground.

We dug in about two feet in a very few minutes with our helmets and trench knives.

I was digging into a man’s body. I threw the bones out one by one but didn’t go deep enough to get them all out so I lay in the hole on them all night.

The Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. However, because the 81st Division did not receive confirmation of the signing, another attack was planned the night of November 10th and executed on November 11.

In those three days fighting, there were 178 killed, nearly 800 wounded, 57 captured, and 6 missing. Of those, the 322nd infantry: Killed, 5 officers and 52 men; wounded, 8 officers and 209 men; missing, 10 men. [Source: “Lest We Forget” The Record of North Carolina’s Own]

Sgt Clemmons returned on June 17, 1919, on Mastonia [Source:]. He was honorably discharged on June 25, 1919, and returned home to his family. He and his wife raised a total of four children. Their three sons also served in the military, with two of them being career military.

Henry Lindon Clemmons passed away on October 31, 1960, at the age of 65. At his death, he was honored with an article and editorial in the State Port Pilot, Southport, NC.

Henry Lindon Clemmons

It is not possible to make editorial reference to each good man and woman in Brunswick county upon the occasion of their death, but we feel that the passing this week of Henry Lindon Clemmons merits special consideration.

Not that Mr. Lindon was one who would either want or expect special consideration, for his was an humble man; but the life he has led and the places of leadership he has filled in the religious, business, and political life of his county has thrown him into contact with literally thousands of his fellow citizens throughout his life, and he has earned friendship and respect of every one of them.

The deceased was a man of unusually high principles of personal conduct, and he was uncompromising in their observance. He did not set himself apart from his fellowman, but he felt that he knew what was right for himself and his family, and these standards of right and wrong were observed.

Brunswick county needs more men like Lindon Clemmons, and it can ill afford his loss.

An article was also published.

Prominent Man Dies at Home
Henry Lindon Clemmons Dies at Home Near Supply Following Brief Period of Illness

Henry Lindon Clemmons, 65, died at his Supply home, Monday. Final rites will be held at Prospect Baptist Church at 8 p.m. Thursday by the Revs. C.D. Blanton, Harry Lackey and R.W. Rollins, with burial in the church cemetery.

The deceased was one of the most widely respected citizens of Brunswick county. For many years he was engaged in the timber business and had contacts in every community. In addition, he was a leading Baptist layman and recently has headed a drive for funds for Campbell College. He was an active member of the Republican party and four years ago was his party’s nominee for Judge of Recorder’s court.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Stella Clemmons, three sons, Edwin Clemmons of Supply, Clifton Clemmons with the USAF, Anchorage, Alaska and Clyde Clemmons, USAF, Plattsburg, NY; a daughter, Mrs. John W. Lancaster, Supply; a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Sellers, Supply and 10 grandchildren.

Active pallbearers will be H.W. Clemmons, Wright C. Clemmons, Leon McKeithan, Edger E. Sellers, Jr., Lindsay Clemmons, Jr., and Phillip A. Fulcher. Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. M.H. Rourk, Vander Clemmons, Robert and Aldreth Phelps, Clyde Holdvan, E.J. Prevatte, Floyd Kirby, Dr. L.H. Campbell, R.H. Sorenson, George McCoter and J.J. Hawes.

Henry Lindon Clemmons was laid to rest at Prospect Cemetery in Supply. A military flat marker is shown.

Johnson, Clarence Walton (1919) The history of the 321st infantry, with a brief historical sketch of the 80th division, being a vivid and authentic account of the life and experiences of American soldiers in France, while they trained, worked, and fought to help win the world war. . Columbia, S.C., The R. L. Bryan co.

Thomas P. Shinn’s Wartime Diary

81st Division Summary of Operations in the World War, US Govt, 1944

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